
As our 40 days of Lent are quickly coming to a close I have learned a few things ;). I really do enjoy confession. Why you ask? Well, Where else can you confess, get counsel, and be forgiven? Nowhere. It’s uplifting to hear simple words like “Keep Trying.” I am pushed to my limits quite often.There is nothing like the reminder that we are human and humans are prone to sin. The difference is the struggle to do the right thing no matter what. It isn’t always easy and we all slip but that’s why Jesus is there to forgive us and help us to try harder.

I really miss reading. As part of my Lenten promise I have decide to read Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light. Not only are there a few brain cells left after having 6 kiddos but I can still enjoy it. The biggest obstacle is making the time to do it. I am hoping to be able to dedicate as much to every book I read as I have this one. Mother Teresa really has become a great role model for me. I may never be in the slums of Calcutta but I can do my part wherever that happens to be. Her life truly was a gift to God.

My family struggles with family prayer. George and I have come to realize because neither of us grew up praying more than for meals that we haven’t mastered the family prayers. We started Lent out with trying to pray the Rosary 3 times a week. This week we are going to try for 1 decade per day. In my eyes it’s better we pray some of it than none of it. We still have alot of room for growth in our Faith as a family. I am very curious to see where we will be lead to next. Our mission for God as a family.

   I love doing crafts with my kiddos. We have made cute bunnies out of plastic Easter eggs inspired by Make and Takes . We have also made an Easter wreath courtesy of printables at Wee Little Miracles . ( make sure to scroll done to print everything easily) They are both easy and fun crafts. I love crafting and have gotten pretty lucky that my kiddos do too. You can check out all my crafty finds on pinterest at CrafteeKim

There is nothing written that says you have to take part in Lenten traditions but I am very glad we do. It is always a great time of growth and enjoying time with friends. The blessings that come from tryingare well worth the effort. Have a happy week ; Holy Week is COMING and so is Our Lord………..

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